Building & Landscape > Zoning Regulations

Zoning Regulations


The Lake Waramaug area has specific zoning requirements over and above town restrictions in order to protect the Lake and its watershed from excessive runoff, erosion and pollutants, and to maintain the character of the area. Please work with your builders, planners and landscapers to do as much as you can to protect the Lake by minimizing impermeable surfaces, installing effective drainage, avoiding unnecessary fertilizers, and protecting surrounding land during construction. Permits are required from the town of residence for almost all structures (both new and alterations). A special permit is required for work within 50 and 75 feet of the Lake, which is within the setback limit. Work (both structures and landscaping) within 100 feet of the lake shore or of upland streams, watercourses, ponds and wetlands is also regulated by the Inland Wetlands Commissions of the three towns.

Washington and Warren have enacted requirements concerning the size, number, location and construction of docks and floats and, in order to preserve views of the Lake, the height of fences and visual barriers on the Lake side of the lake roads. Check with land use and inland wetland officials (see contacts, below) before building a new dock or fence, or altering or repairing an existing facility.

Warren has recently posted a list of required approvals and permits needed for any building:
"Sequence of Events for Construction of Dwellings, Additions, Pools or Accessory Buildings"

The "Inland Wetlands and Watercourses Regulations of the Town of Washington" includes a special section (11A - starting on page 22) that defines "Special Criteria for Applications...around Lake Waramaug."

Washington's Inland Wetlands Commission also provides forms & documents related to applications and their oversight.

Town of Washington Zoning Regulations with regulations pertaining specifically to the Lake Waramaug Residential District can be found in Section 6.

Town of Kent Zoning Regulations with regulations pertaining to Lake Waramaug are Section 6 (Rural District) and Section 10 (Lake Waramaug Watershed District).

The Regulations generally prohibit:

  • the erection of new shoreline retaining walls, directing instead that steps be taken to strengthen the natural shoreline;

  • the creation of new sand beaches, which lead to the erosion of beach material and sedimentation into the lake; and

  • the use of pressure or chemically treated wood for many purposes, to minimize the leaching into the lake of substances dangerous to its ecology and water quality.

If approval is sought for any activity which would otherwise be prohibited under the Regulations (on the ground, for example, that a retaining wall is necessary at a particular location to prevent environmental damage, to allow reasonable access to the lake, for protection of lakefront property, or proper maintenance of such property), the application must be detailed and will generally require the participation of a qualified engineer or other expert.

The Regulations also call for the preservation and expansion of existing vegetative cover (trees, shrubs, ground cover) to aid bank stabilization, and contains criteria relating to installation of shoreline dock and float anchors.

Please remember that in Washington, Warren and Kent, any activity in the lake or within 100 feet of the shoreline requires compliance with extensive town regulations. BEFORE you undertake ANY activity (including construction, alteration, tree removal, removing or depositing soil, stones and other materials, or installation of docks, fences, or other structures, etc.), contact your local Land Use official. For information about zoning regulations regarding setbacks, proportion of impervious surfaces, structures, docks, fences, clearing and wetlands restrictions, consult your Town's office: